Nematicides & Chemical Screening of Nematodes
“The effects of ILeVO and VOTiVO on root penetration and behavior of the soybean cyst nematode, Heterodera glycines”, Plant Disease, 103:3, 392-397 (2019).
- Authors: Augustine Q. Beeman, Zach Njus, Santosh Pandey, and Gregory L. Tylka
- Article
Summary: The objective of this study was to determine the effects of ILeVO (fluopyram) and VOTiVO (Bacillus firmus I-1582) seed treatments on Heterodera glycines second-stage juvenile (J2) root penetration and behavior.
ILeVO significantly reduced H. glycines root penetration compared with the untreated control, but only when J2s were inoculated at a soil depth of 2.5 cm, which was near the seed.
ILeVO, but not VOTiVO, seed exudates significantly reduced J2 speed relative to the untreated control. Soil leachates from ILeVO or VOTiVO treatments had no consistent effect on H. glycines speed or total change in curvature compared with the untreated control. In another experiment, treated or untreated seeds were incubated in wells of 6-well tissue culture plates containing 11.5% Pluronic gel. Seeds were removed after 2 h, and approximately 50 J2s then were pipetted into each well. The plates were scanned every 60 min for 24 h, and the number of J2s in each well that moved a minimum distance of $300 mm was determined using another custom software program. ILeVO, but not VOTiVO, significantly reduced the movement of J2 populations relative to control wells in which no seeds were added. And wells that had seeds, treated or not, yielded
significantly less J2 movement compared with the no-seed control. The results of these experiments indicate that ILeVO reduces activity on H. glycines J2s but may not affect nematodes beyond a limited area surrounding the treated seed.
A. Beeman, Z. Njus, S. Pandey, and G. L. Tylka, “Chip Technologies for Screening Chemical and Biological Agents against Plant-Parasitic Nematodes”, Phytopathology, 106 (12), 1563-1571 (2016). Link PDF
Jared Jensen, Upender Kalwa, Santosh Pandey, Gregory L. Tylka, “Avicta and Clariva affect the biology of the soybean cyst nematode, Heterodera glycines”, Plant Disease, 102:12, 2480-2486 (2018). Link
J. Jensen, A. Beeman, Z. Njus, U. Kalwa, S. Pandey, Gregory L. Tylka, “Movement and Motion of Soybean Cyst Nematode Heterodera glycines Populations and Individuals in Response to Abamectin”, Phytopathology, 108(7):885-891 (2018). Link PDF
Nematicides And Integrated Pest Management
- “Avicta and Clariva affect the biology of the soybean cyst nematode, Heterodera glycines”, Plant Disease, 102:12, 2480-2486 (2018).
Authors: Jared Jensen, Upender Kalwa, Santosh Pandey, and Greg L. Tylka
Summary: Nematicidal seed treatments are a relatively new strategy for integrated pest management (IPM). Two such nematicides, Avicta (abamectin) and Clariva (Pasteuria nishizawae), are marketed by Syngenta for use against Heterodera glycines in soybean production in the upper Midwest. The effects of Avicta and Clariva on H. glycines roundworms’ hatching, movement, attraction, penetration, development, and reproduction were determined in controlled-environment experiments.